Channel: » Trinity 08
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A Long and Fruitful Honeymoon


…at least productive musically.

Here are the introits for the Sundays after Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, and the First-Eighth Sundays after. Hopefully we’ll remain caught up from here on out. After the completion of the summer introits I hope to begin transcribing the Alleluias & Verses for the Church Year. (I also intend to do Introit and Alleluia for all major feasts as they come) Graduals are not given in most of the 16th century Lutheran chant sources, though occasionally for major feasts. Instead they often sang sequences and/or hymns (Graduallieder).


Quasimodo geniti
Misericordia[s] Domini
Ascension of our Lord
Feast of Pentecost
Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
Trinity I
Tirnity II
Trinity III
Trinity IV
Trinity V
Trinity VI
Trinity VII
Trinity VIII

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